Monday, September 08, 2008


It was getting colder.

Not that he had waited for too long, but every passing moment got him impatient. He tried to tell himself that all his fears were imaginary and that things were not different. Too bad that he could sense things about her. She was not all that predictable but it would be too less to say that he was extremely sensitive. He had not heard the usual spark in her laughter yesterday. He admitted to himself that there were days when he wasn't paying attention to all those details . So he wasn't sure if it was all over long back.
He rememebered that nothing was actually over. It was only his fear , he thought.

It was a misty morning and had it been any other day - which he hoped it eventually would be - he would have started clicking pictures to show them off to her. But today he had to wait for her. She always got there on time. And today was no different !

There she was walking swiftly towards him. Setting her hair right, smiling slightly, shiny-eyed .. she looked pretty , he thought. She thought so too .
After what seemed like a painfully long time, she got to him . Now he could see it clearly in her eyes. That it was all over .
It started drizzling. And thus no one could tell if there were tears in his eyes. Or if it was just rain.

She did not appear all that disturbed. Probably she had prepared for this day from a long time ! She probably had decided to wear his favorite lemony yellow salwar with the dangling earrings, the charlie perfume and the cute shiny bracelet. She did not talk much . There were uneasy smiles, sighs and deeper sighs throughout whatever little she spoke. And he had to just hear .
They sat there the whole day . No words spoken . And they thought they should start from there when it started pouring .
It was dark when she got home. She wanted to sleep .
Not that she was afraid of the dark . Still she preferred to sleep with a light on.


Manjunatha Kollegala said...

I like the way you beautifully weave those insignificant little bits into a significant whole...

Nice write-up

loop said...

Manju ,

It sort of surprises me to see that you like my writings :)
I feel great every time you speak nice things about my posts!

Manjunatha Kollegala said...

Either I speak nice things or I dont speak ;)

Dont like to speak "not-nice" but i always end up doing that :(