Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Bitti coffee ;)

My life was replete with questions on what makes life interesting . Apparently the question has now become, what makes life non-boring. Farce, they say.
How superlatively annoying it can be , to feel like banging your head on the non working coffee machine, for the lack of better things to do. Mind you, you don't even get the coffee, finally.
It has always been transient passions for me. And I think I change a little too soon. I somehow give up and give in too easily. But then again, its a matter of making life more interesting.A delicate, thin line between being vulnerable and adaptible.
With all this so called soul searching, THE most probable outcome is a seemingly strong determination to get going, to revive the lost interests. And the funny thing is, such resolutions or determination have extremely miniscule shelf lives. I can draw analogies to a "jaane do" arranged wedding . Forceful, unnatural, seemingly secure and as boring as cutting water .
So, stop soul searching , whining, cribbing ?
Heh! Individuality at stake ?Probably not. Its more like a volcano. A non dangerous one. When there is something that you want to do, let it be. There is probably no need to force yourself to do it . Once it gets bottled up and you overflow with a thought of doing it, you can't but do it !
Heh.. sounds shady, I know ;)
Until such time, its better to think of some seemingly funny and innovative alternatives against head hitting on the i-vends . So much crib for not getting to drink coffee :P

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