Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Solitary reaper !

Solitude is bliss. It feels totally good to walk alone, shop alone, eat alone, think alone. There is a sort of contemplative mood that gets created by being alone and that is the best way to think about new things, organise thoughts and thus feel the individuality better.
Now when newer realisations come up, newer accomplishments happen, life gets either too bizarre or euphoric, there would be some sort of an urge to share it with someone. Actually the nature of realisations would be different every time. Sometimes, enjoying a realisation all alone gives a sort of joy which cannot be obtained by anything else. But there are other times too, when sharing the realisations or any variants of thoughts becomes a need so as to enjoy its happiness to the fullest. Along with this comes the need for a person or people with whom all these can be shared in a personal manner. Not like writing a blog in a totally impersonal tone to the anonymous !
But then its not very easy to communicate with anyone and everyone about realisations. It might make no sense to them. It might just turn them off since their interests would be something else and quite agreeably so.
There are these people called "friends" with whom we can "talk"! Being able to 'talk' stuff is the cornerstone for being friends :) For being in love, if I may say so.
Thinking about the purpose of our existence.. Supposing that we were to find out conclusively that there is no purpose for our existence, what would we do ? Would we all just commit suicide ? Do we not enjoy the so-called 'worldly pleasures' ? We should exist and live not for the sake of fulfliment of any pre-determined purpose but to enjoy what we think today, as pleasure.
Human mind has evolved to form concepts on what is pleasure and pain based on experience and these concepts get refined as time progresses. Maybe these concepts are not complete or they might be flawed. But the human mind always tries to refine them, make them more consistent and then organise it as usable knowledge. So, the feelings of happiness and sadness are a reality as the human mind sees them today.
So, we can exist here to maximise happiness. And that happens by thought!
What if tomorrow , someone proves to us that happiness is an illusion ? We shall accept it if good reasons are given. That would only make us think differently from then on. But the feeling of having felt happy cannot go..
What IS happiness !

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