Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Realisations are like sudden summer rains. They hit you when you dont expect them even slightly. And more often than not, they make you sad than happier!
Why is it that we always want to believe that, world is like how we think about it ? Why don't we feel an urge to doubt our knowledge? Why do we feel satisfied at a lower level even when higher levels of achievement exist right in front of our eyes?
Why do we feel complacent?
Whoever said, selfishness is a virtue should be given a big pack of chocolates!


Piyush Sethia said...

I dont know, but summer rains always make me very very happy!!

And well, when do I get my pack of chocolates???

Anonymous said...

Oh chocolates ;)
I dint know you had the copyright for it , though.. :)

Anonymous said...

And yeah, maybe summer rains make ppl happy..but they are somewhat so unexpected, so out of place.
Maybe its all in the way you see it..
Or maybe not :)
The weather makes me too philo (read mad ), want to take a cuppa and do some lazy cozy dazy talk

Lakshmi said...

Do you still have these questions around you ?

I feel you have the answers now.

After I get an update from you I will answers them

Anonymous said...

I don't remember what I was thinking then !
Hehe..Sorry :)

Lakshmi said...

What do you think Now! ?
